Trent Glover is one of Australia’s leading public law barristers. He is an Adjunct Professor of Law in the College of Business, Law and Governance at James Cook University.
Trent has a diverse practice, concentrating primarily public law litigation, regulatory litigation and advising. He appears regularly in the Federal Court, and State and Territory Supreme Courts at appellate level and first instance around Australia. Much of his practice comprises complex and sensitive litigation that is the focus of media attention and parliamentary scrutiny.
Although practising in all aspects of public law, Trent is recognised as a leading specialist in international extradition and mutual assistance law, law enforcement and national security law matters.
Trent has extensive experience in Royal Commissions and commissions of inquiry including as Counsel Assisting the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements (also known as the Bushfires Royal Commission), and appearing recently for the State of New South Wales in the Disability Royal Commission and the Commonwealth of Australia in the Robodebt Royal Commission. He was recently appointed the first Counsel Assisting the Inspector of the National Anti-Corruption Commission.
Trent is currently the Chair of the NSW Bar Association’s Human Rights Committee. He formerly served as a member of the Inquests and Inquiries Committee and on a professional conduct committee.
As a Navy legal officer, Trent is a member of the Defence Legal Ethics Advisory Network, which provides guidance to Defence legal practitioners on legal ethics.
Trent is a signatory to the National Pro Bono Target.
Trent has taught public law at Sydney University, the Australian National University, Royal Military College Duntroon and James Cook University.
Trent has also authored numerous articles, case notes and section commentaries for refereed law journals including the Australian Business Law Review, Australian Law Journal, Australian Journal of Administrative Law, Australian Property Law Journal, Companies and Securities Law Journal and Public Law Review. He is a member of the Editorial Board of LexisNexis' Competition and Consumer Law News.
For more information about Trent, visit his LinkedIn page at
BEc-LLB (Hons)
Grad Dip Legal Prac
Grad Dip Mil Law
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